SCXML-Inspired State Charts In Clojure(script)

Note: This post is the second in my asked-clojure series.

Simple Statecharts Diagrams

In this article I attempt to distill some of the core concepts in the Statecharts library that has been gaining interest lately. I will do so by covering a little bit of history, explaining key ideas and illustrating them through short examples:

Getting started with the coin flip example, I ran into a few things I wasn't certain of. I wanted a minimal implementation that I could add to in order to make it a gradual learning progression. I had a coin with two states: heads and tails, and I wanted to add a flip transition between them that would randomly transition to one of the two states. My implementation seemed too complex for such a simple idea, so I turned to asking for input in a Slack thread. I received some great advice about simplifying the transition, a pragmatic naming convention for element ids and some rationale for why my original approach isn't the right way to go about it.

A final note: while the library is by Fulcrologic and includes Fulcro integration helpers, you can also use it without Fulcro. It's a fairly small library with very few dependencies. That's what I'll be doing here, and in subsequent posts, I plan to extend the examples below by adding Fulcro data management and UI rendering.

A Short History

Note: while this section does offer some valuable context about how statecharts fit within the broader scope of state machines, feel free to skip ahead to the examples if you just want to see some code.

The history of state machines dates back to the early-mid 19th century, pioneered by notables such as Claude Shannon, Edward F. Moore and John von Neumann, among others. A reasonable place for us to start is with the concept of finite-state machines (FSM), which are the basis for Statecharts.

A state machine is an abstract description of a system with a finite number of possible states, only one of which represents the system at any given time. This is the high-level definition as established through the research on FSMs.

Citizen Quartz Multi-Alarm III

In 1987, David Harel published Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems, a paper which extended the work on FSMs in several key areas:

Furthermore, as the title indicates, Harel presented a new method for visualizing stateful systems. The paper is a fun read, using the Citizen Quartz Multi-Alarm III watch (pictured above) as the basis for demonstrating how to use Statecharts to describe complex systems. I recommend reading it!

In 2002, a working draft was published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on a new standard called Call Control eXtensible Markup Language (CCXML). This is an XML-based language designed for call control in telephony applications. It incorporated many of the concepts from Harel's paper and combined them with XML encoding.

Later on, in 2005, the first draft of State Chart extensible Markup Language (SCXML) was published by the W3C. This is a standard inspired by both CCXML and Harel's Statecharts with the goal of providing a "generic state-machine based execution environment". Since its proposal, it has graduated to become a W3C Recommendation, indicating it has passed several rounds of review and should be considered "production ready". An interesting turn of events is that the next version of CCXML will likely be based on SCXML.

Lastly, the Statecharts library is based on SCXML structure and semantics, but deviates from the standard slightly when it comes to "executable content". In short - and covered in more detail below - Statecharts leans into making the ideas and constructs of SCXML more idiomatic in Clojure(script), while still making an effort to be maintain compatibility with the standard. This approach allows Statecharts to make the most of the work that has gone into the standard and associated tooling.

Core Concepts


From Wikipedia:

A state is a description of the status of a system that is waiting to execute a transition.

Compound State

A state containing one or more sub-states.

Atomic State

A state without sub-states.


A change from one state to a target state. These are often the result of events, but the SCXML standard does allow eventless transitions as well.


The set of states (including sub-states) that are currently active.

Executable Content

Hooks that allow the state machine to modify its data model and interact with external entities.

In the Statecharts library, these are represented by a function of two arguments: [env data]. You'll see these in :cond values and other places like script elements.


The examples below are available in full in my fnguy-examples repo. You will need to refer there to see all the scaffolding functions I use to run these statecharts and interact with them. That code is largely based on the examples in the Statecharts docs and is not optimized for production use.

Coin Flip

This was my starting point. I decided to start with this simple idea of creating a statechart that represents a coin flip and build up from there. The basis is a coin that can be flipped any number of times and would land on either heads or tails:

First let's define the chart:

(def coin-flips
  (let [heads :id/heads
        tails :id/tails
        pick-rand #(rand-nth [heads tails])]
    (statechart {}
      (state {:id heads}
        (transition {:event :flip
                     :target tails
                     ;; BUG! `pick-rand` will be called in each visited transition
                     :cond (fn [_ _] (= tails (pick-rand)))})
        (transition {:event :flip
                     :target heads
                     :cond (fn [_ _] (= heads (pick-rand)))}))
      (state {:id tails}
        (transition {:event :flip
                     :target heads 
                     :cond (fn [_ _] (= heads (pick-rand)))})
        (transition {:event :flip
                     :target tails
                     :cond (fn [_ _] (= tails (pick-rand)))})))))

With the chart defined, we now move on to interacting with it by first starting it and then sending a single :flip event:

(fnsc/start-new-sc! 1 ::coin-flips coin-flips)
; Event loop started
; Processing event on statechart => :com.fnguy.coin-flip/coin-flips
; target(s) => [:id/heads]
; Enter :id/heads
; after enter states:  => #{:id/heads}  ➊
; conflicting? => #{}
(fnsc/send-event! 1 :flip)
; Processing event on statechart => :com.fnguy.coin-flip/coin-flips
; external-event =>
; {:type :com.fulcrologic.statecharts/chart,  ❷
;  :name :flip,
;  :target 1,
;  :data {},
;  :com.fulcrologic.statecharts/event-name :flip}
; Running expression #function[com.fnguy.coin-flip/fn--36551/fn--36554]  ❸
; (sp/run-expression! execution-model env expr) => false
; (boolean (run-expression! env cond)) => false
; evaluating condition #function[com.fnguy.coin-flip/fn--36551/fn--36556]
; Running expression #function[com.fnguy.coin-flip/fn--36551/fn--36556]
; (sp/run-expression! execution-model env expr) => false  ❹
; (boolean (run-expression! env cond)) => false
; conflicting? => #{}
; enabled transitions => #{}
; entry set => [#{} #{} {}]
; after enter states:  => #{:id/heads}
; conflicting? => #{}  ❺

The above shows a basic REPL interaction where I start the statechart and then send it a single :flip event. After each interaction, I've also included some of the log statements that were emitted using the default logging config with a bit of manual edits to suit the blog format. A few things to notice:

I won't be repeating the entire log output for each interaction, but it's helpful to be aware of what's in there (subject to change) as it's useful for troubleshooting.

While this chart seems like it works, someone in the Slack thread helpfully pointed out a small logical bug: pick-rand can potentially be executed multiple times. If the first transition's :cond evaluates to a falsey value, the next sibling transition will call pick-rand again and might also eval to false, causing neither transition to execute. That's not what we want!

You might be thinking that moving the pick-rand evaluation somewhere to a higher scope and allowing both sibling transitions to look at that value is the fix, but that's not exactly right. Each transition element should be viewed as an independent node in the graph. Also, the chart, once initiated, is just a nested data structure. Adding in dynamic computations is possible, but there are specific ways to do that. You can't just add in a let form wherever, since it would only be evaluated once. We could technically solve this by putting the flip result data in the data model, but I wanted to keep this example minimal and adding a data model struck me as too elaborate.

The alternative implementation suggested to me is even simpler than my original:

(def simpler-coin-flip
  (statechart {}
    (state {:id :state/coin}
      (transition {:id :transition/coin->heads
                   :target :state/heads
                   :event :event/flip
                   :cond (fn [& _] (rand-nth [true false]))})
      (transition {:id :transition/coin->tails
                   :target :state/tails
                   :event :event/flip})
      (state {:id :state/heads})
      (state {:id :state/tails})))))

Improvements over the original:

The key thing to understand here is that when you have multiple transitions within a state, they are visited in document order. If a transition is enabled, subsequent siblings will not be. In other words, if :transition/coin->heads's :cond returns true, the transition moves to its :target state and :transition/coin->tails will be ignored. If, on the other hand, the predicate returned false, the next transition (to tails) would happen unconditionally. Now we have just a single evaluation of the predicate, so the bug noted above is fixed while also simplifying the code.

I've also made some slight adjustments to the code by giving namespaced :id values to all of the elements. This was suggested to me by Slack user @Michael W (see their Statecharts-based chatbot repos) and greatly helps to make the logging easier to understand. One additional logging-related improvement you could make is to convert the anonymous :cond fn to a named function using defn. You can see the difference in these two before/after log statements:

evaluating condition #function[com.fnguy.coin-flip/fn--40594]
evaluating condition #function[com.fnguy.coin-flip/random-flip]

For such a simple chart, this 👆 small optimization may not be worth it, but as complexity grows, it can be very helpful for observability.

Lastly, in my examples repo I also included another version of the coin flip statechart which remembers the total number of :heads and :tails results. It's a small change so I won't include it here. Try it yourself and refer to the repo if you need a hint.

Rock Paper Scissors

This example covers a game of rock paper scissors, which offers slightly more complicated mechanics than a coin flip does:

Here is the complete statechart:

(def rps
  (statechart {}
    (data-model {:expr {:state/player1 {:player/score 0}
                        :state/player2 {:player/score 0}}})
    (state {:id :state/game
            :initial :state/r1}
      (state {:id :state/r1}
        (transition {:id :transition/r1->r2
                     :event :event/throw
                     :target :state/r2
                     :cond not-draw?})
        (on-exit {} (update-winner-score)))
      (state {:id :state/r2}
        (transition {:id :transition/r2->tie-breaker
                     :event :event/throw
                     :target :state/tie-breaker
                     :cond ->tie-breaker?})
        (transition {:id :transition/r2->game-over
                     :event :event/throw
                     :target :state/game-over
                     :cond ->game-over?})
        (on-exit {} (update-winner-score)))
      (state {:id :state/tie-breaker}
        (transition {:id :transition/tie-breaker->game-over
                     :event :event/throw
                     :target :state/game-over
                     :cond not-draw?})
        (on-exit {} (update-winner-score)))
      (state {:id :state/game-over}
        (on-entry {}
          (log {:level :info
                :expr log-game-winner}))))))

Things to notice:

  1. there are no states to represent the players
  2. a data-model element keeps track of player scores
  3. namespaced keywords (:transition, :event, :state) for improved logging
  4. on-entry, on-exit and log elements
  5. functions are defined separately

When I started writing this chart, having player states seemed like an obvious requirement. My thinking was that each player would have at least their score and would wait for some event to play each round, producing an outcome for each :event/throw. This would require keeping two parallel compound states: rounds and players, thereby allowing rounds and players to be simultaneously active and reacting to events by transitioning their internal states or at least updating their state-local data models. When I tried this approach, I ran into problems with transition conflicts and had to change some of the transitions to :type :internal to get closer to a working model. Something felt off - the solution I was headed toward was once again becoming too complicated.

It took some time to arrive at the above definition. Of course, there are many ways one could model this simple game. I will explain the choices I made.

Data Model Implementatation

In my trials, I used Fulcro's FlatWorkingMemoryDataModel. This particular implementation "puts all data into a single scope (a map which itself can be a nested data structure)", meaning there is just one big map that keeps track of the data model of the statechart and all of its sub-states. The docs also mention an alternative implementation, the WorkingMemoryDataModel, which "scopes data to the state in which it is declared". The source code suggests to use it with caution:

WARNING: This model is not recommended for many use-cases. The contextual paths turn out to be rather difficult to reason about. The flat data model is recommended. (Source.)

I stuck with the recommended flat model that puts all the data into a single top-level map. With that decided, the first part of my reasoning for having player states - that each player would "hold" their score - was no longer valid.

Events and Transitions

The second part of my reasoning was that each player state would be responsible for determining its own throw outcome. Intuitively, this made sense to me (see state). A player would be modeled as a system waiting to execute a transition: from an idle state where their hand is not in play, to a thrown state resulting in one of the three RPS hand gestures. The round winner would then be determined, player scores incremented accordingly and the game would transition to the next round.

The trouble here is that using parallel states brings on additional complexity regarding transition conflicts and the value of an idle player state transitioning to a thrown state and then back again is not clear.

My solution resolved on getting rid of the players state and the parallelism with the rounds state such a design would necessitate. Instead, the :round/winner is decided as an integral part of the throwing event (:event/throw):

(defn random-throw [] (rand-nth [:rock :paper :scissors]))

(defn throw->winner []
  (let [p1-throw (random-throw)
        p2-throw (random-throw)
        winner (pick-winner p1-throw p2-throw)]

  (fnsc/send-event! ::rps :event/throw
                    ;; Send as part of the event's data
                    {:round/winner (throw->winner)}))

Now let's see how this applies to the initial game state, :state/r1:

(defn not-draw? [_env data] (not (data->round-draw? data)))

(defn update-winner-score []
  (script-fn [_env data]
    (let [winner-id (data->round-winner data)
          new-score (data->new-winner-score data)]
      [(ops/assign [winner-id :player/score] new-score)])))

;; One part of the chart, not a top-level definition
(state {:id :state/r1}
  (transition {:id :transition/r1->r2
               :event :event/throw
               :target :state/r2
               :cond not-draw?})
  (on-exit {} (update-winner-score)))

This highlights some important design decisions when creating statecharts:

As mentioned, of course there are other ways a game of rock paper scissors could be designed as a statechart. The above explains the process I went through and the lessons learned along the way. Design is rarely an aspect with clear answers, just a set of trade-offs that need to be considered to arrive at a good fit for the problem at hand.

Wrapping Up

This article covered statecharts history as well as a few of the core concepts, demonstrated through simple examples. I must stress that the concepts covered are by no means comprehensive. I excluded important aspects of the SCXML standard, such as history, invocations, event queue processing and many others. The Statecharts library has direct analogs for many of these, and likewise has a few of its own concerns that I've not written about here such as different data model implementations, invocation processors, testing and Fulcro integration. My objective here was to explain raw statecharts in the simplest form rather than provide a comprehensive explanation of the all the facets. Refer to the source material to learn more.

The examples above cover states, transitions, guards, events and how to leverage a statechart's data model. Everything was done strictly in the REPL with plain statecharts with no additional required dependencies.

I initially planned to cover a third example by modeling a game of poker as a statechart. This post is already quite lengthy, so I decided to put the poker example off to a future article in which I'll focus more on the Fulcro integration helpers to build a simple webapp to serve as the UI for the game's statechart.


Published: 2025-01-18

Tagged: cljc clojure scxml statecharts fulcro harel state-machines asked-clojure

Lazy Images in Fulcro RAD

Note: This post is the first in a planned on-going series I'm calling asked-clojure. The idea is to turn questions I've asked the Clojure community into blog posts, allowing me to 1) review what I've learned and 2) provide more clarity on the subject for anyone that might find it helpful.

In the Slack discussion, I asked how I could achieve lazy image loading in a RAD report and linked to a portion of the Fomantic-UI (a fork of Semantic-UI, which RAD uses for its rendering) docs on visibility:

Visibility provides a set of callbacks for when a content appears in the viewport

They also provide an example of using visibility specifically for lazy loading images. The task is to try to adapt these components and examples to a Fulcro code base.

I included a small snippet showing what I had tried already and Tony Kay soon responded that he was unfamiliar with my approach and suggested an alternative route using React's componentDidMount lifecycle method.

I continued on with the approach I was trying and found something that works, so I decided to review and document my solution here.

Here are the namespace aliases and symbol references from below:

[cljs.core :refer [js->clj]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom.html-entities :as ent]
[ :as report]
[ :as ro]
[com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.factories :as sui]

Objective: lazy load images in a RAD report

I'm using Fulcro RAD for a number of projects, so it's always nice to learn how to leverage RAD for more. In this case, I have a RAD report with an image column and my objective is to load these images lazily as their parent row comes into the viewport. In my original implementation, when the page was first opened, all the ~100 images were being loaded right away, even if they were far down the page and very much out of view. I wanted to have the page load with a placeholder image used in this image column for all the rows that were not yet in view. Upon scrolling down to put the row in view, the true image should be loaded from the server to replace the placeholder image. The point of the placeholder is that it only needs to be downloaded once.

Method: use Semantic UI React factories

It turns out the Semantic-UI (aka SUI) library includes some helpers for this sort of thing and the fulcrologic/semantic-ui-wrapper library makes it easy to use these in Fulcro apps by providing component factory functions. These factories were auto-generated from the original Semantic-UI source to include the original function headers and docstrings. While generating such library wrappers will be the subject of future posts, for now I just wanted to mention it here to highlight how flexible Fulcro is with regard to frontend rendering.

Let's see some code already!

A LazyImage Component

Here I use defsc to define a stateful React component factory which wraps the auto-generated SUI factories and composes them together into a single thing. Since we need to both display an image and dynamically control it depending on its visibility, we have to combine both the ui-image and ui-visibility factories. Further, we need to add a bit of state management (loaded?) so we can use it in the :onUpdate handler.

(defsc LazyImage
  "A component that lazy-loads images when they become visible in the viewport."
  [this {:keys [src placeholder className alt default-loaded?]}]
  {:initial-state (fn [_] {:loaded? false})}  ➊
  (let [{:keys [loaded?]} (comp/get-state this)]
       (fn [_ event-data]
         (let [onScreen (-> (js->clj event-data :keywordize-keys true)  ➋
                            :onScreen)]  ❸
           ;; If the image is visible but hasn't loaded yet, mark it as loaded
           (when (or (and onScreen (not loaded?))
             (comp/set-state! this {:loaded? true}))))
       ;; Make sure the callback fn fires immediately after mount
       :fireOnMount true}
        {:className (or className "ui image")
         :alt alt
         :src (if (or default-loaded? loaded?) src placeholder)}))))  ❹

;; Create a re-usable factory from the component
(def ui-lazy-image (comp/factory LazyImage))
❶ Assume images are not loaded until explicitly marked as such
➋ Comes in as a JS object that we convert for convenience
❸ :calculations from the update event that triggered the callback
❹ If the image is loaded, show it; otherwise, show placeholder image

RAD Report: Column Formatter

In order to actually use ui-lazy-image, we need to find a way to include its output in our DOM. For this particular report, I'm letting RAD do most of the rendering, only adding some wrapper divs for consistent styling with the rest of the site. It starts off looking like a standard RAD report:

(report/defsc-report ItemList
  [this props]
  {;; report options map
   ;; ...
   ro/columns  [r.item/name
  (dom/div :.ui.container.homepage
    (dom/div :.row
      (dom/div :.sixteen.wide.column
        ;; Let RAD handle the rest of the rendering.
        (report/render-layout this)))))

I've omitted most of the options map. Refer to the RAD docs for details. The main thing to know is that there is a column that receives an image URL string.

The next step is to change the way this column is rendered. Of course, there are multiple ways to achieve this, but I chose to keep it simple for now and keep it all contained within the logic of this specific ItemList report. As such, the first place I looked is in the RAD report-options namespace, where I spotted a fitting option called column-formatters. This option is described as taking a map from a qualified key to a function that receives report and column details and returns a string or element:

{:item/name (fn [report-instance value-to-format row-props attribute]
              ;; Replace with custom formatting

With this in mind, I went ahead with fleshing out what I want the column to look like:

(fn [_this v {:item/keys [location
                          image-url] :as props}]
  (let [row-idx ( (comp/get-computed props))  ➊
        max-rows 10
        default-loaded? (< row-idx max-rows)]  ❷
    (dom/h4 :.ui.image.header.profile-content
           ;; Use our lazy image factory!
           (ui-lazy-image {:src (str "/images/" image-url)  ❸
                           :placeholder "/images/square-image-placeholder.png"
                           :alt (str v " Profile Photo")
                           :className "mini rounded profile-image"
                           :default-loaded? default-loaded?})  ❹
           ;; Some additional wrapping for styling
           (div :.content v
             ;; Pulled location out of row props to style alongside name
             (div :.sub.header.profile-location location)))))
❶ Get the index of the row being rendered
➋ Decide whether the current row should always be loaded
❸ Use the `ui-lazy-image` factory from above with some params
❹ If `:default-loaded?` is true, the image should be loaded even when not in

Upon initial page load, the top 10 rows load the actual image right away due to the max-rows setting. This prevents a fresh page load from being populated with placeholder images. As the user scrolls down, images are marked as loaded and the placeholders are replaced with the real images as they come into view.

Wrapping Up

All we did here was make use of the visibility behavior from Semantic-UI in order to dynamically load images when their parent rows in the RAD report came into view. The semantic-ui-wrapper library for Fulcro provides convenience wrappers for most of the Semantic-UI stuff to make using it from Clojurescript easy and idiomatic. There was a little bit of experimentation required in order to get the result to feel right, but once we know about com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.factories/ui-visibility, that's just a matter of tuning the arguments.

It's also worth noting that ui-visibility contains many more optional parameters that could further be used to adjust the exact behavior to your preferences. This includes other callbacks like onTopVisible, onTopVisibleReverse, onPassingReverse and many others, along with options like offset.

More broadly, just about anything that the Semantic-UI library provides can be easily used in a similar manner. Auto-generating convenience wrappers for other Javascript libraries makes it easy to style your frontend however you like while continuing to lean on Fulcro's full-stack data management to build your applications.

Published: 2024-12-31

Tagged: rad clojure fomantic-ui frontend fulcro semantic-ui asked-clojure
