Lazy Images in Fulcro RAD

Note: This post is the first in a planned on-going series I'm calling asked-clojure. The idea is to turn questions I've asked the Clojure community into blog posts, allowing me to 1) review what I've learned and 2) provide more clarity on the subject for anyone that might find it helpful.

In the Slack discussion, I asked how I could achieve lazy image loading in a RAD report and linked to a portion of the Fomantic-UI (a fork of Semantic-UI, which RAD uses for its rendering) docs on visibility:

Visibility provides a set of callbacks for when a content appears in the viewport

They also provide an example of using visibility specifically for lazy loading images. The task is to try to adapt these components and examples to a Fulcro code base.

I included a small snippet showing what I had tried already and Tony Kay soon responded that he was unfamiliar with my approach and suggested an alternative route using React's componentDidMount lifecycle method.

I continued on with the approach I was trying and found something that works, so I decided to review and document my solution here.

Here are the namespace aliases and symbol references from below:

[cljs.core :refer [js->clj]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom.html-entities :as ent]
[ :as report]
[ :as ro]
[com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.factories :as sui]

Objective: lazy load images in a RAD report

I'm using Fulcro RAD for a number of projects, so it's always nice to learn how to leverage RAD for more. In this case, I have a RAD report with an image column and my objective is to load these images lazily as their parent row comes into the viewport. In my original implementation, when the page was first opened, all the ~100 images were being loaded right away, even if they were far down the page and very much out of view. I wanted to have the page load with a placeholder image used in this image column for all the rows that were not yet in view. Upon scrolling down to put the row in view, the true image should be loaded from the server to replace the placeholder image. The point of the placeholder is that it only needs to be downloaded once.

Method: use Semantic UI React factories

It turns out the Semantic-UI (aka SUI) library includes some helpers for this sort of thing and the fulcrologic/semantic-ui-wrapper library makes it easy to use these in Fulcro apps by providing component factory functions. These factories were auto-generated from the original Semantic-UI source to include the original function headers and docstrings. While generating such library wrappers will be the subject of future posts, for now I just wanted to mention it here to highlight how flexible Fulcro is with regard to frontend rendering.

Let's see some code already!

A LazyImage Component

Here I use defsc to define a stateful React component factory which wraps the auto-generated SUI factories and composes them together into a single thing. Since we need to both display an image and dynamically control it depending on its visibility, we have to combine both the ui-image and ui-visibility factories. Further, we need to add a bit of state management (loaded?) so we can use it in the :onUpdate handler.

(defsc LazyImage
  "A component that lazy-loads images when they become visible in the viewport."
  [this {:keys [src placeholder className alt default-loaded?]}]
  {:initial-state (fn [_] {:loaded? false})}  ➊
  (let [{:keys [loaded?]} (comp/get-state this)]
       (fn [_ event-data]
         (let [onScreen (-> (js->clj event-data :keywordize-keys true)  ➋
                            :onScreen)]  ❸
           ;; If the image is visible but hasn't loaded yet, mark it as loaded
           (when (or (and onScreen (not loaded?))
             (comp/set-state! this {:loaded? true}))))
       ;; Make sure the callback fn fires immediately after mount
       :fireOnMount true}
        {:className (or className "ui image")
         :alt alt
         :src (if (or default-loaded? loaded?) src placeholder)}))))  ❹

;; Create a re-usable factory from the component
(def ui-lazy-image (comp/factory LazyImage))
❶ Assume images are not loaded until explicitly marked as such
➋ Comes in as a JS object that we convert for convenience
❸ :calculations from the update event that triggered the callback
❹ If the image is loaded, show it; otherwise, show placeholder image

RAD Report: Column Formatter

In order to actually use ui-lazy-image, we need to find a way to include its output in our DOM. For this particular report, I'm letting RAD do most of the rendering, only adding some wrapper divs for consistent styling with the rest of the site. It starts off looking like a standard RAD report:

(report/defsc-report ItemList
  [this props]
  {;; report options map
   ;; ...
   ro/columns  [r.item/name
  (dom/div :.ui.container.homepage
    (dom/div :.row
      (dom/div :.sixteen.wide.column
        ;; Let RAD handle the rest of the rendering.
        (report/render-layout this)))))

I've omitted most of the options map. Refer to the RAD docs for details. The main thing to know is that there is a column that receives an image URL string.

The next step is to change the way this column is rendered. Of course, there are multiple ways to achieve this, but I chose to keep it simple for now and keep it all contained within the logic of this specific ItemList report. As such, the first place I looked is in the RAD report-options namespace, where I spotted a fitting option called column-formatters. This option is described as taking a map from a qualified key to a function that receives report and column details and returns a string or element:

{:item/name (fn [report-instance value-to-format row-props attribute]
              ;; Replace with custom formatting

With this in mind, I went ahead with fleshing out what I want the column to look like:

(fn [_this v {:item/keys [location
                          image-url] :as props}]
  (let [row-idx ( (comp/get-computed props))  ➊
        max-rows 10
        default-loaded? (< row-idx max-rows)]  ❷
    (dom/h4 :.ui.image.header.profile-content
           ;; Use our lazy image factory!
           (ui-lazy-image {:src (str "/images/" image-url)  ❸
                           :placeholder "/images/square-image-placeholder.png"
                           :alt (str v " Profile Photo")
                           :className "mini rounded profile-image"
                           :default-loaded? default-loaded?})  ❹
           ;; Some additional wrapping for styling
           (div :.content v
             ;; Pulled location out of row props to style alongside name
             (div :.sub.header.profile-location location)))))
❶ Get the index of the row being rendered
➋ Decide whether the current row should always be loaded
❸ Use the `ui-lazy-image` factory from above with some params
❹ If `:default-loaded?` is true, the image should be loaded even when not in

Upon initial page load, the top 10 rows load the actual image right away due to the max-rows setting. This prevents a fresh page load from being populated with placeholder images. As the user scrolls down, images are marked as loaded and the placeholders are replaced with the real images as they come into view.

Wrapping Up

All we did here was make use of the visibility behavior from Semantic-UI in order to dynamically load images when their parent rows in the RAD report came into view. The semantic-ui-wrapper library for Fulcro provides convenience wrappers for most of the Semantic-UI stuff to make using it from Clojurescript easy and idiomatic. There was a little bit of experimentation required in order to get the result to feel right, but once we know about com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.factories/ui-visibility, that's just a matter of tuning the arguments.

It's also worth noting that ui-visibility contains many more optional parameters that could further be used to adjust the exact behavior to your preferences. This includes other callbacks like onTopVisible, onTopVisibleReverse, onPassingReverse and many others, along with options like offset.

More broadly, just about anything that the Semantic-UI library provides can be easily used in a similar manner. Auto-generating convenience wrappers for other Javascript libraries makes it easy to style your frontend however you like while continuing to lean on Fulcro's full-stack data management to build your applications.

Published: 2024-12-31

Tagged: rad clojure fomantic-ui frontend fulcro semantic-ui asked-clojure
